What is OPAG ?
OpenApi PHP Attributes Generator is a library made to automatically generate a valid OA3 file which describes your API. Each path is described in your PHP files (often your controllers) using PHP 8 attributes.
Why should I use OpenApi in the first place ?
Having a file describing your API will allow you to share it with your community (if it’s public) and it can be used with softwares such as Swagger or Postman.
We recommend having some knowledge on OpenApi: https://spec.openapis.org/oas/latest.html
Which version is compatible
Only the version 3 is compatible with this library
How to read this documentation
- The documentation is split into 3 sections: the header, paths and components
- Mandatory and optional fields are described in the Open Api documentation
- Optional fields can be accessed by respecting the parameters order or using the syntax
#[Element(prop1: "value1")]